Tips on How to Find Common Ground
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Tips on How to Find Common Ground

Effective communication is a vital skill for early childhood educators, both in the classroom and when working with colleagues. It’s not always easy to navigate conversations and disagreements, but by approaching them with the right mindset, educators can find common ground and achieve their shared goals. In this article, we will explore three tips on…

6 Effective Strategies to Promote Problem-Solving Skills in Young Children

6 Effective Strategies to Promote Problem-Solving Skills in Young Children

Problem-solving is a critical skill that helps children navigate the challenges they face throughout their lives. As early childhood educators, we can encourage and promote problem-solving skills in young children from the earliest stages of development. Here are some strategies…

Raising Confident Problem Solvers
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Raising Confident Problem Solvers

Discipline is helping a child solve a problem.
Punishment is making a child suffer for having a problem.
To raise problem solvers, focus on solutions, not retribution. Focusing on solutions instead of retribution is key to raising children who are equipped to tackle the challenges of life.