7 strategies kindergarten teachers can use for setting boundaries

7 Strategies to Get Your Children to Do Want You Want!

We all want our children to develop to their full potential and be happy, responsible, and successful when they grow up. But that will not happen if we don’t set boundaries.

Through clear boundaries children learn what is good and what is bad, what is appropriate and what is not. And it is our responsibility to teach them that.

Therefore it is good to have some good strategies that will help us set these boundaries. An experienced kindergarten teacher Cindy talks about 7 different strategies.

1. Tell, Don’t Ask

When you want children to do something don’t ask them if they could do it but give them clear directions of what they need to do.

Example: Instead of asking: “Could you pick up the toys?” give direct instraction: “Put all the blocks in the tub!”

2. Give clear expectations

Try to avoid using common words and be specific.

Example: Instead of saying: “Use nice hands,” say: “Put your hands in your lap.” This way a children will get clear instruction of what they should do with their hands.

3. State in Positive Terms

When you give instructions to the children make sure they are stated in positive terms. Use DO statements, not DON’T statements.

Example: Instead of saying: “Stop playing with water!” say: “Wash your hands!” which gives children clear instruction on what needs to be done.

4. Be Brief and keep it Simple

When you are talking with the children make it simple and don’t give them to many instructions at one time. Give one clear and simple instruction at the time.

5. Get Close and Get Child’s Attention

Sometimes it is necessary to make physical contact with a child, like touching their shoulder or ask them to make eye-to-eye connection in order to get child’s attention and make them do what is necessary.

6. I Mean Business Teacher Voice

Make sure that you are using a tone of voice that conveys when you mean business. This “I mean business voice” is not yelling, harsh, shrill or loud. It is firm, confident “I am in charge” kind of voice.

7. First / Then

This last strategy we use when there is activity that needs to be completed before child can moove to desired activity.

Example: First you finish this activity, then you play with the blocks. In this way child is realising we are not saying no to the blocks, but that first this needs to be done.

Thank you for your engagement in this post. If you have any other strategy, please share with us in the comments below.

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